特拉华大学(University of Delaware),地处美国东海岸,毗邻美国化学以及制药工业中心“化工之都”威尔明顿市,位于特拉华州的纽瓦克市,距离纽约市区和华盛顿特区将近两个小时的车程,距离宾夕法尼亚州的费城和马里兰州的巴尔的摩只有约一小时车程。学校在2009年受中国学生欢迎的美国院校当中名列前茅。2018年新US News综合排名全美81位。
特拉华大学是一所具有影响力的研究型大学和名校,拥有独立的土地,海洋,空间和支持的科研机构,被称为多学科交叉实验室,不同专业的学生和教师聚集到一起,以互助合作的形式授课,学习和研究。不同的学科思想彼此碰撞产生火花,如果你有了独特的创意,可以立刻在实验室中测试是否可行。学校也设计了特色课程以鼓励合作。无论你是商科,人文学科,理科还是工科,在这里都会拥有一席之地。特拉华大学的私人捐助已经达到9.62亿美金,被卡内基教育基金会归为特高研究型大学(very high research activity university),并被《普林斯顿评论》评为佳大学之一。
特拉华大学硕士直录条件和其他美国大学硕士直录条件基本相同:MBA及商科专业直录要求:GPA不得低于2.8/4.0;TOEFL95或IELTS7.0,如当年申请人数激增,语言要求可能临时提至 TOEFL 100或IELTS 7.5;学生同样需要考GMAT/GRE,GMAT不低于550,verbal, math & writing各部分数排在50%以上。以MBA专业为例:
1). 需要GMAT/GRE成绩:The GMAT (preferred) or GRE (accepted) exam is required as part of the application.
Competitive scores:
GMAT: overall score of 550 or above and scores which are greater than 50% in each sub-score
GRE: overall score of 306 or above with a Quantitative score of 155, Verbal score of 151 and Analytical Writing score of 4
2). 工作经验非必需,但好有,更有竞争力:The typical applicant has two or more years of experience (work experience, volunteer work, community service, internships, significant academic projects, etc.) but all applicants are considered even if they have limited professional experience. Outstanding undergraduate GPAs and GMAT/GRE scores will strengthen your application if you have less than two years of experience.
3). GMAT/GRE 免考需满足以下条件:LSAT (法学院入学考试)and MCAT (申请攻读北美临床医学院的学生所必备的一项标准化考试)scores are considered in lieu of the GMAT/GRE score if you have taken one of them for law or medical school admission and hold a law or medical degree.
Exceptions are made through a waiver if you hold a terminal degree (MD, JD, Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.) or have four or more years of full-time progressive, professional work experience post-undergraduate degree, and an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.8 with at least a grade of ‘B’ in two non-introductory college level math courses at the statistics and/or calculus level.
Exceptions are also made through a waiver for UD Lerner graduates with fewer than 4 years of post-undergraduate work experience who have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and an overall average of “B” or higher in at least two, 200-level STAT or MATH courses. MISY262 (Fundamentals of Business Analytics) can count as one of the courses and will be included in your average grade calculation.
GMAT/GRE waiver requests are made at the time of application by selecting that option when completing the test information section of the application. If your waiver request is denied, you will be notified by the admissions office and you will be given the opportunity to take the test prior to admission consideration.
MBA无语言成绩无GMAT可双录,但需要至少两年的专业工作经验,若工科背景可无工作经验要求, MS的专业工作经验不是必须,但录取要求偏高,如有工作经验加分是好。MBA双录到校之后,正课开课之前要提供达到要求的GMAT。如学生有硕博学历再申请MBA的, 也可用GRE申请。同样,其他商科专业可用GRE代替GMAT。就历年录取情况来看,如学生商科相近专业应届毕业或完全没有工作经验,录取几率不大。
Accounting (MS)
Agricultural and Resource Economics (MS)
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (MS-BICB)
Biological Sciences (M.S and Ph.D)
Biotechnology Professional Science Master’s Degree (PSM)
Business Administration (MBA)
Chemistry & Biochemistry (MA, MS, PhD)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (MCE)
Computer and Information Sciences (MS)
Economics (MA, MS)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS, PhD)
Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation (MS)
Finance (MS)
Geography (MA, MS, PhD)
Health Promotion (MS)
Hospitality Information Management (MS)
Information Systems and Technology Management (MS)
International Business (MSIB)
Linguistics (MA)
Music (MM)
Physics and Astronomy (MS)
Public Administration (MPA)
Social Studies in World History (MA)
Statistics (MS)
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